Who knew there was a National Introvert Week? Indeed there is and it takes place from March 16th to March 22nd. No doubt many of us who play The Sims 4 fit well within the definition of introvert. Making March the ideal month to host the Loner Challenge on The Sims 4 Gallery.
Just like all my challenges, the Loner Challenge is open to everybody who wishes to participate. Taking part is super easy. All you have to do is make a Sim in CAS and give him the loner trait. The other two traits are up to you. It can be really fun to see how people round out a character’s personality.
Whenever I start a new Sims Gallery challenge, I of course, start out with creating my own challenge-themed Sim. Create-a-Sim is probably my favorite part of The Sims 4 so I’ll take pretty much any excuse to go play around.
This time that was especially true. I’ve been playing the Decades Challenge for the past month. It is super fun and I am really enjoying playing the game in a much different way. Playing a legacy challenge does have its draw backs though. One of which is that I can go a really long time without creating new Sims. Boo!
Solita Soledad was my creation for the Loner Challenge. You may have noticed, if you follow me, that I try to have a Sims name fit their personality in some way. In this case, both Solita and Soledad mean solitude. Loners like solitude, right? Perfect!

My creative process started with what I didn’t want her to be. It is too easy to make the loser loner. Somebody who is dumpy and without ambition. Why does that have to follow on from wanting to spend time by yourself?
Instead, I wanted Solita to be much like a lot of us that play the game. Playful and fun. Even if some of her best fun is had reading books.
Aesthetically, I wanted Solita to have a natural beauty but be more concerned with comfort than vanity. Almost as if she doesn’t really know that she is pretty and wouldn’t really care about it anyway.
The packs used to make her are Discover University, City Living, Get To Work, Holiday celebration and Tiny Living. Since I have been deep into challenges, I haven’t had a lot of time to play around with Tiny Living but I really like the CAS items.

In this case, the jacket sweater combo from Tiny Living was perfect. It is stylish but practical and comfortable all at once. Paired up with the ripped jeans from Holiday Celebration, it felt perfect.
Why not join in the challenge and show me what you think a Sim 4 loner should look like?
Loner Challenge Rules
The Sims 4 Gallery Loner Challenge rules are easy to follow.
- Create a Sim, young adult or older, who has the loner trait.
- No CC
- Upload your creation to the Sims 4 Gallery using the #LonerChallenge & #Sims4Sarah hashtags
- Enter by April 1st
- Enter as many times as you want but make sure its your own original creation