Did you know there is a Video Games Day? Yes, there is and it is due to take place on September 12th. If there is one thing that we all have in common it is that we are gamers. So, for the entire month, I am going to host the Gamer Challenge for The Sims 4 Gallery.
Participating in the Gamer Challenge is even easier than my usual challenges. That’s something because they are all pretty easy!
Load up CAS and make a Sim, young adult or older, who is a gamer. What that means it totally up to you. There are so many different types of gamers so that is almost a blank slate. The complete rules can be found at the the end of this post.
Darla Beaty is my Sim created for the challenge. Of course, I created a female gamer. That’s not to say there aren’t a ton of fantastic possibilities for making male gamers. There was just never a doubt which direction I would go.
I also knew that I didn’t want to create a stereotypical ‘hot chick’ gamer girl. Darla needed to carry a whole bunch of personality in her appearance. Starting with a zany fashion sense.

Darla isn’t afraid of either bright colors or showing a bit of flesh. If bright blue and purple long-sleeved crop top doesn’t prove that, I don’t know what would. Though, it might just be that matching trucker cap.
Even without her crazy clothing, Darla stands out from the gamer crowd with her red hair dreadlocks and wacky glasses.

Yeah, good luck trying to forget about her after she beats you at the game. What game? Any and all.
Gamer Challenge Rules
1. Create a Gamer Sim who is a Young Adult or older.
2. No CC
3. Use #GamerChallenge & #Sims4Sarah hashtags when posting to gallery.
4. Enter by October 1st.
5. Enter as many times as you want but make sure its your own original creation.